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SILENT but Paying HYIP

Posted by brandnewbien | 8:22 PM | | 0 comments »

Rising Surf watches the waves of the autosurf industry, but we wont miss an opportunity if we know its really great. Rising Surf is only interested in programs that give high ROI(Return Of Investment) in a short amount of (time maximum of 15 days). Rising Surf will only promote programs that have most or all of these qualifications:

Active Administrator(Edwin Taylor)
Awesome Support team
Site hosted on a dedicated server
Site has SSL or encryption
Ddos Protection
Dedicated IP address

youmilex alertpay payment proofs HYIP High Yeild Investments Program

Why is join and invest in youmilex?

-Admin Edward Taylor is very active.
-You can contact him anytime and he replies fast as long as he is online.
-His YIM id is: tayloredward15
-He takes care of support problems very fast(always resolved within the day).
-The program has been paying for 37 days already and still paying.
-Payouts are done manually, and usually of Edward is online you get paid in minutes.
-Not too many payment/support request because they still have 1100+ members growing slowly with only 398 active members. The payment queue it not that crowded.
-You don't have to surf, you just deposit and collect your 25% profit and principal back in 10 days. Note that 25% in 10 days is already big but the site is sustainable.
-Minimum deposit in the program is $5, which equals 1 unit. Maximum deposit is 200 units, which is $1000. Not much for big investors, but this helps the site be much sustainable.
-Youmilex has PTP or Paid to promote. You get paid 1$ for every 1000 hits in your referral link.
-Youmilex has a clean reputation in all monitors/forums
-Rising Surf gives back 100% of the referral commission back to its downline(referral commission in Youmilex is 5% of your total deposit)

Why invest in the very risky and not stable sites when can relax and be at ease in youmilex?

Join now!

Join under risingsurf to get your referral commission back 100%