rising surf banner ads

A new autosurf is born to save the autosurf industry.
Dec 16, 2008

revenue-investment autosurf


revenue-investment.com has High ROI plan 132% (6% x 22 days) which is a realistic plan. Its not a short term high return plan. Its return can can be taken after 22 days which is more that half a month.

The site is initially hosted on a dedicated server with Ddos protection and data encryption, the site is the best site yet to open this month of December. This expected because the site will be flocked with more investors/advertisers in the coming days.

As you all know the autosurf industry is not doing very well, this site's admin is anti scam and has dedicated to have the site running long term.

Currently they accept only STP and LR. Soon they are planning to add more processors as their members demand.


Lets check this site:
* Dedicated server
* Minor Customized Script
* Dedicated IP address
* Realisitic Plan
* High ROI plan 132% (6% x 22 days)
* Active Admin
* Fast Support, answered within minutes from my 1st email.
* Contest and Prizes soon *
* Ddos protection
* Upgrade bonus for new members
* Referral commission 3%(Im giving it back to you 100%)


revenue-investment autosurf